
Friday, August 31, 2012

Rubus the old mouse

Rubus the old mouse arrive the apple tree stub after a couple of minutes drive in the overgrown grass garden. Rubus lives in the large stub and is a former baker. He still runs the bakery but rarely bakes anymore. He just eat the baked goods. He like to sit in his office and also reads a lot. Newspaper mostly. He loves to visit his sister Santpaulia and her husband Penstemon. They have one of their grandchildren Thymus staying at their stub for the summer.

Here is Rubus old car. "Works like a clock" he usually says...No wonder it's operated by a large clock battery.

                         As soon as Penstemon and Thymus see his car, they run out to greet him.

"Hurry inside" says Thymus. Saintpaulia has made cheesecake. "Oh, how lovely. I am looking forward to that. Do you have todays newspaper?" "Yes of course Pentemon replies".


  1. Fantastic car! Lucky mice! The luggage on top is gorgeous.

  2. Thanks:) I know..these mice are so spoiled;)

  3. Adorable....I love their car ! I'm still looking for cars for my dollhouse families.
