
Saturday, May 3, 2014

The Minimice in The Garden of Lace

The Minimice in the garden of lace have been busy writing a book. It's a cheerful and beautiful book. A book for both children and adults, and a keepsake book with cute little stories and many detailed pictures. The Minimice arrived at an abandoned garden and decided to stay there. They live in a world were life is so positive and good. Don’t you think we need more of that?
This is where The Minimice share their life with you and their excellent tried and tested recipes for desserts, breads and cakes. 
The book is now finally in it's last stage and will soon be presented for you. If you are a publisher or an agent please contact me and The Minimice for further info.


  1. j'espère que votre joli livre sera très vite édité !
    En espérant que nous pourrons le télécharger (comme ceux de Kim et de Cynthia).
    Amicalement. rosethé-joce

  2. The Minimice book sounds very intriguing Christel and your Real garden of lace, is enchanting!


  3. J'ai découvert la superbe couverture de votre livre sur FB, j'ai hâte de pouvoir le lire !
    A bientôt ! rosethé-Joce

  4. How lovely, I am so glad I just found your blogg, and am following, I cant wait for more, lots of love from the uk ! xxx
